To Train or Not to Train

In this episode Gilesy explores the age old athlete question, how do I know when I’m too fatigued to train and when I’m just slacking?
To Train or Not to Train

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Athletes have a very hard time coming to terms with fatigue, often we will override our own intuition to push on into the twilight zone.

In this episode we explore the effect of rumination on the decision   making process on whether to train or not, the damned if you, damned if you don’t scenario that so many athletes struggle with in their day to day training environment.

We unpick the very nature of our relationship to fatigue and the role intuition and awareness plays in maintaining the necessary long term consistency which sometimes  plays out at the cost of the short term plan in order for us to stay in homeostasis and continue to grow athletically.

Some of the key areas we cover this week around the hooks hidden in this question are-
rumination, worry, stress, doubt, fear, comparison, outcomes and expectations and the effect they have on us making the right decisions for the benefit of the long term goal.

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering whether you should pull the trigger and train or go home, this one is for you.