Get After It

Get After It

Mental Skills

Here’s the thing: that Stoic idea of challenge weakens you…I’m dead serious, the tension and resistance adds to the hurt exponentially.

I’ve got some advice for those of us in the chase of personal excellence. Getting after it brings with it this visual picture of someone in a great struggle with a challenge.

What options do you really have in the face of a challenge? It’s going to require you to change. You want to change, right? You want to be that resilient little animal you have in your mind's eye.

You have to invite this change that you dream of. No change comes without a dissolving of what was and what you have experienced before.

Here’s the thing: that Stoic idea of challenge weakens you…I’m dead serious, the tension and resistance adds to the hurt exponentially.

What can you do?

Stop it!

Let go of the idea and be with the challenge, try and see, when you go into judgment you seperate yourself from the task. This effort of chasing success is more exhausting than the physical task.

Soften into this challenge rather than tense up against it. It’s important to set a ritual acceptance pre-training.

A simple matter of staying in your feet and bringing a yes to each session. Each time this avoidance rises into your head, take it back down to your feet and remind your body to let go of the tension that comes with the idea of difficulty.

woman in black wetsuit standing on white sand during daytime
Photo by Orca / Unsplash

Individually, that becomes a whole as the practise brings a yes to each moment, each session, and, by extension to the whole week. Then the weeks become a yes to the months and the habit brings a yes to the years.

Eventually, I guarantee you, success will come looking for you.

You see its an invitation that you send out. It comes to you in the rituals and habits that stay in alignment with what you want.

You have to be inviting it.

Study carefully your mental approach and the physical impact the resistant thoughts are having on you.

Your game is unconsciously full of holes. Everyone’s is, until it’s not!

There’s your X factor.

Get after it.
